Wholism for World Peace N.Z.

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The world is one united whole,
The world is the body, and God the soul.

– Cicero.



Please read this
before making contact.

This is to let you know that we look forward to receiving all your comments and suggestions, which will be noted for acting on where possible.

At present, we are in the beginning stages of trying, via the Internet, to encourage the setting up of Wholistic groups throughout the world. This we hope will lead to the creation of a wholistic worldwide Foundation for advancing the understanding and principles of our subject.

For details on how this could come into being, please refer to the following articles on this web-site:
1. 'The Wholistic Communications Network' (second half).
2. 'The Wholistic Movement'
3. 'Background and Vision'

Beyond this we visualise receiving donations and financial support for the project, so that a Wholistic Action Network can be financed to undertake projects for world and social transformation. We believe that this would enhance all the efforts by people of goodwill to bring about social harmony and world peace on this earth.

Answering all the emails we may receive may an impossible task for us at present. We are particularly interested in receiving communication from those who would like to volunteer to set up a Wholistic Group in their area.

Also, we welcome any practical suggestions that may lead to the setting up, resourcing, and financing of the project to create a Wholistic Action Foundation.

As soon as is possible we will add another article giving full details of this vision, and how it could be created.

Regards and best wishes for any endeavours that can assist this project,
Sincerely, Laurence Black, and Caroline Mabry,
founders and catalysts for this project.



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Wholism for World Peace Inc.  
